Spring newsletter

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Congratulations on the successful production A Bunch of Amateurs. It really felt as though we are back performing again. The new venue turned out to be a success for both audience and performers alike. We done Andrew for directing and team performances. It was a profitable production bringing us back to the same financial position before covid lockdowns period. So that really is good news and I’m sure we want to use it again, in addition to Liston Hall for smaller events. We have made charity donations for both Cancer UK and Alzheimer’s, thanks to Gloria for organising FOH activities for this. Pics from Bob have been posted. Thanks Bob, makes a lovely record of great show.

2 May Marly rehearsals We continue to re-plot entrances etc for our performance. 2 May ACT I, 4 May Act II, 9 May line rehearsal, 10 May Crew gathering to prep. Details of the travel and event schedule are posted on the Marly Joining Instructions Pages

30 May Studio club night tidy up studio (props, costume etc) and outside as well (gardening, paths)

9 June Hall Barn . We are forming a visit to this production by the Chiltern Players and Fourways. Always very good. This year they are performing Twelfth Night, and we join up a hour of so before curtain up for a group pic-nic, wine, nibbles etc. Home Farm on the estate is where the production will be this year. Please contact Hilary if you want to be part of this group. Hilary is able to book the tickets to forma group, but needs your response as soon as possible. Thanks

17 June Marlow Literary Festival We have been invited to perform an item on the opening event of this new festival 17 June which we would like to support. Performance is 10.15am to 11am in St Peter’s Catholic Church. Festival This will follow opening welcome by Tom Chambers. If interested in performing at the event, probably will be a rehearsed reading rather than a learned production (no time to do that), please let Andrew know your interest so we can start planning casting etc. rehearsal for this will be from early June on Tuesdays (3 rehearsals) 6 June, 13 June and 16 June. Current thinking is a reprieve of The Hollow Crown.

The Hollow Crown: extracts for 17th June 1.

  • Prologue: Andrew
  • 2. Queen Eleanor’s Confession: King: Andrew, Earl Marshal: Brian, Eleanor Gloria, Narrator: Hilary
  • 3. Jane Austen’s History of England Hilary  ( Henry VI Ed IV Henry VIII Mary Tudor Elizabeth I )
  • 4. Poem of Elizabeth I Gloria
  • 4a) If needed : King James denounces Tobacco Andrew
  • 5. Trial of Charles I: Charles: Andrew President of the Court: Brian Sentence read by: David
  • 6. Fanny Burney and George III:     Fanny Burney Hilary,  Mrs Delaney and Miss Port Gloria, George III: Andrew Starts: The door of the drawing room was opened Finishes: We drank tea.
  • 7 Accession of William IV: David Start: His first speech to the Council Finish Till parliament meets
  • 8. Coronation of Queen Victoria: Gloria Start A little after six—was unprecedented Then: When I spoke of my intending to go to bed—the proudest of my life
  • NB GOD SAVE THE KING played from you must be very tired
  • 9. Epilogue: Narrator: Hilary Arthur: David Sir Bedivere Andrew

22 June Annual General Meeting Review of the year, renew committee, gather ideas for the future, nominate award winners. We need more help in the background with various tasks that are needed to keep the society going. Please consider what you can contribute to the society and bring that to the AGM. Social afterwards.

Summer events Dates to be arranged, but we plan a canoe trip and summer BBQ during July/August as well as the trip to Hall Barn (above).

6 October Murder Mystery Plays We have a booking to perform a murder mystery event in October at Bourne End (Upper Thames Sailing Club). Please contact Gloria if interested in the event, based on one of our existing murder mystery plays. Rehearsals start 5 September at the studio of course. We hope to perform a further performance for Liston Hall audience, so this might be similar plays, back to back. Date to be confirmed for Liston Hall.
