We plan to continue to run Zoom sessions until the end of June combined with some in-person gatherings. As a reminder, we are meeting in Andrew’s garden on Thursday 10 June for our first club night ‘out’. Andrew will be providing a reception Pimms, but everyone should bring drinks and so on. Studio if wet. Our next Annual General Meeting will be held in the Studio on Tuesday 29 June, at 8.00pm followed by drinks, assuming government restrictions allow, otherwise by Zoom. Please see:
Hughenden Valley Players are putting on a play outside on 10 and 11 July. See Jossy if you would like a ticket (limited supply). Later in the summer we are planning a barbecue in Brian’s garden on Friday 30 July (change of date to avoid Hughenden Players dates) and a picnic and/or a canoe trip on Saturday 14 August. Please let Brian know if you are interested in the canoe trip.
Then in September we plan to start rehearsals for two limited audiences Murder Mystery events – this in part to bring the audience and ourselves used to more social interaction. So a slow re-start. We will probably plan for a full Spring production and we can start casting / rehearsals before Christmas.
We are back to reading plays for the fun of it – but if you did not listen to our most recent one – Shooting Shambles, then that is posted for you to listen again. See Events page
The Project Gutenberg e-Book of One-Act Plays by Modern Authors; Editor: Helen Louise Cohen. This is a collection of one acts, which we have not read, and some of them are pretty good and would be fun.
Production in the Park – Murder Mystery.
Here is a new (updated) script for us to use. Please note it is slightly different to prior versions. So we all need to read from this script please.
- 8 June: Reading new play from the Gutenberg via zoom
- 10 June: Social gathering at Andrew’s house, 8 Pound Lane from Studio if wet
- 15 June: Reading new play from the Gutenberg via zoom
- 22 June: Rehearsal for Park Performance. Start at 7.00 (football)
- 24 June: Rehearsal for Park Performance. Start at 8.00
- 28 June: Rehearsal for Park Performance. Start at 8.00
- 29 June: AGM on zoom, from We will need nominations for committee and awards
- 1 July Rehearsal for Park Performance. Start at 8.00
- 2 July, Friday Higginson Park performance from 1.30pm to 3 pm performance. Set up from 1.00pm. Picnic afterwards if nice weather.
- 6 July: no meeting (break after performance)
- 10/ 11 July: visit to Hughenden Players out door performance
- 13 July Reading new play from the Gutenberg via zoom
- 20 July first read of new murder mystery, zoom call
- 30 July: Friday: Barbecue at Brian’s, 21 Gossmore Walk. From 7.00pm
- 7 August: Picnic with canoe trip from Henley to Marlow. Finishing at Two Brewers
- 14 September: Rehearsals start for Murder Mystery (Studio)
- 25 September: Murder Mystery at Liston Hall
- zoom app meeting number: 510-741-7650
- Click Link to join
- You will be ‘let in’ as we know who you are
- PLEASE mute your microphone and turn your video off during the performance or recordings.