July newsletter

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Players: We have our AGM on 5 July, Hall Barn on 9 July, followed by the summer BBQ on 31 July. No other studio meetings are planned until August.

We will be performing ‘A Bunch of Amateurs’ on Saturday 26th November. Written by Ian Hislop & Nick Newman, this comedy tells the story of a struggling amateur theatre company. In a last-ditch attempt to win sponsorship and publicity so they can keep their company going, they recruit a Hollywood star to perform in their production of King Lear. But none of them quite realised what they were getting themselves into…

As we no longer have access to the Shelley Theatre at Court Gardens, we are restricted to 2 performances on the same day at Liston Hall. We are still looking for a performance space to use in future. In order to do our normal 3 night run, we need somewhere that will allow us dedicated use of the stage space for a week. This permits us to set up the stage and lighting and rehearse in the performance space in preparation for the performances.

Any suggestions welcome!

Rehearsals for ‘A Bunch of Amateurs’ will commence in earnest in late August on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 8pm.

We’re going to have a gentle start to rehearsals during August. Commencing Tuesday 2nd August we’ll use our Tuesday evening club nights to start working on the play. This will enable us to get the foundations in place before Jen heads off on holiday during the 1st 2 weeks of September.

We’ll start rehearsing on Tuesdays AND Thursdays from the end of August. Andrew Stafford has kindly agreed to caretake rehearsals during Jen’s absence from 1st-13th September.

Jen will aim to make the full rehearsal schedule available before the end of July. Gloria is working on some cuts to the play, which will also be with you before the end of July.”

The rehearsal schedule will be published once we have cast the final part and gathered everyone’s unavailable dates.

In the meantime, we’re going to take a break over July, and will look forward to our next gathering at Brian’s BBQ on Sunday 31stJuly.


Tues 5 July: Reminder: Annual General meeting (AGM) will be in the studio 5 July from 8.00pm. Social afterwards

Saturday 9 July: Chiltern Shakespeare’s performance of Romeo and Juliet at Hall Barn. 7:30pm. We’ll meet up there at 6:30 pm for a BYO pre-show picnic. Many thanks to Hilary who is coordinating the tickets. Please contact her immediately if you want to attend.
Sun 31 July 2-5pm: Barbecue at Brian & Margaret Couling’s house. Meat and vegetarian/vegan options will be provided. Please bring a bottle and either a salad or a dessert to share. Please email Margaret to let her know if you will be attending and what you will be bringing, and include any dietary restrictions. Email: margaret.couling@gmail.com. Bring your swimming things if you would like to try out the swim spa and hot tub!
Sat 27 August – weather permitting. Canoe and picnic day, paddling 2-3 person Canadian canoes from Henley to Marlow with a picnic break at Medmenham. This is a really lovely day of messing about in boats (canoes) on the river. We meet up at around 10am in Henley. Everyone pack a picnic, and we will find some kind volunteer to reunite the paddlers with their picnics when we get to our picnicking spot by the river in Medmenham. There will be a fee for the Henley Canoe Hire rental, but we can be grateful to Brian for getting us mates’ rates from his son, who runs the canoe rental business. Organiser: Brian
