Following the successful play reading at the end of March using the Zoom conference tool, we are now running a regular Zoom-based ‘meet up’ each Tuesday and Thursday at 8.00pm (normal meeting time). Just drop in and join in. Each session we will look at a play, rehearse a webcast, do play readings and so on. I think the expectation is that we should continue to do this until the restrictions of movement are lifted. So this arrangement will take us up to the summer.
April webcast : Bottom’s Dream. Each month we plan to ‘broadcast’ a rehearsed event to the wider external audience so that we keep our name visible to the community at large and offer those stuck at home some additional social contact and entertainment. In addition, it will give us all something to work towards. These will be announced to the external audience and publicised on our website. Players should be able to promote the event in the normal way to their network of friends and family.
5 May Recording for Marlow FM Led by Andrew. A new play readings from HH Munro (Saki) ‘Tobermory’ and The Quest. Rehearsed reading then recording session for Marlow FM. Tobermory script The Quest script
7 May Session will be led by Hilary. Please be ready to read a poem / piece and discuss.
12 May Reading of Hi-De-Hi scripts. Please find them if you have them, and scanned and displayed if you don’t.
14 May Led by Andrew. Players quiz.
19 May Reading of Hi-De-Hi scripts. Please find them if you have them, and Brian will scan and display them if you don’t.
21 May Led by Andrew. Rehearsal for webcast Saturday Bottom’s Dream.
23 May Live webcast. This will be externally promoted to our mailing list. Use your usual channels to promote to friends and family! At our last webcast we had over 50 attendees, so it’s worth doing. Extensive cast and details as below.
- Bottom, Pyramus: Andy
- Flute, Thisbe: Hilary
- Snout, Wall: Alison
- Starveling, Moon: David
- Snug, Lion: Wendy
- Quince, Prologue: Olwen
- Titania, Hippolyta: Gloria
- Oberon, Theseus: Andrew
- Puck, Philostrate: Brian
- Fairy 1 and Cobweb, Hermia and Helena: Wendy
- Fairy 2 and Peaseblossom: David Lysander
- Fairy 3 and Moth: Olive
- Fairy 4 and Mustardseed, Demetrius: Alison
If we decide to do the Act 5 ( reduced ) I have given the additional parts after the main one.
SFX: Alison
- Nocturnal Wood
- Glissando sound for fairies
- Nocturnal Wood
- Dawn Chorus
- Chimes ( possibly live )
- Music for start and end and fairies dance: from Bartok concerto for orchestra: I can send the extract, possibly.
Staging: If possible we have a woodland virtual background. Fairies pop in by keying in visual when they appear, if possible. Download here backdrop Add to zoom
- Donkey’s head effect for Andy to create on his image.
- Costumes: Mechanicals in workmen’s outfits: cloth caps and waistcoats, bandanas round neck..
- Fairies: wear a colourful scarf on top of the first costume or army fatigues
- Puck: really good if you have khaki fatigue camouflage / combat jacket As Philostrate take it off.
- Oberon and Titania: Blacks with a scarf or bright fabric round neck.
For Act 5, Bottom: saucepan for helmet
- Flute: ribbon in hair
- Quince: large hat
- Moon: Large hat or have a crescent moon hanging from hat on a thread or pinned to it Hold a lantern ( garden type if you have one )
- Lion : face mask? In yellow?
- Wall: a panel of bricks to hang like an apron
- Theseus and Hippolyta: the same as Oberon and Titania but just different scarf
26 May Session will be led by Hilary. First playback of Tobermory script recording (26 mins) and please be ready to read a poem / piece and discuss
28 May Party Music evening, led by Andy. A virtual party! Please find a way to contribute on the night with songs, play the piano, guitar, vocals etc. Bring your own drinks of course.
Zoom Meeting
Doors open: 7.50pm
Meeting : 8.00pm- 9pm
How to join the meeting using one of the following ways:
Click the zoom graphic
zoom app meeting number: 510-741-7650
Dial in by phone only: 020 3966 3809, 5107417650#
Each meeting will have the SAME details as above, so we do not need to keep emailing people. The meeting is not limited to any time limits – we can run as long as we need. It should be very informal unless we are doing a rehearsed webcast performance, of course.
Web cast events (external and internal audiences)
25 April Best Laid Plans by Max Sasim (completed)
23 May Bottom’s Dream: extracts from A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Wm Shakespeare, adapted by Andrew Stafford
20 June Murder Mystery by Gloria Kendrick
25 July Players Play reading
NT Live at Home web cast events
Each week National theatre are webcasting on youtube a previous production during the shutdown period. They make one title available per week, released on a Thursday night and available for the week. Link to you tube
- 1-7 May Frankenstein
- 7-14 May Antony & Cleopatra
Speak to you soon!