we have a good start on our next performance on 12 March. Tickets are now on sale on our web site and also at the Marlow Information Centre in the Marlow Library. Spread the word! Click for Tickets. Please note we decided to have two performances : matinee curtain up at 2.30 and evening at 7.30pm. We have the Liston Hall all day that will enable us to ‘get in’ with our staging and layout seating in the morning and a quick run through of sound system, entrance and exists etc.
Casting: cast A will be performing matinee, B evening.
- Virger: A-Hilary, B-Becca
- Matron: A-Alison R, B- Karen
- Headmistress: A-Wendy, B- Jossy
- Salt: A-Gloria, B-Jen
- Piper: Brian
- Crisp: Andy
- Dean: Andrew
- Narrator: Alison E
- Sound: Alison E
Rehearsals continue on Tuesdays at 8.00pm with some social afterwards. Currently we are meeting at 8 Pound Lane whilst we have very cold weather rather than the studio.
Subscriptions as we are now ‘getting back to normal’ we have to restart membership subscriptions to keep the society going. These can be paid on line at the bottom of the Members page. The new subscription year will now run January to December. Thanks.
Calamity in the Cloisters is a new Murder Mystery, written for the Marlow Players by Andrew Stafford, who has been a player and Director with the group for the last 40 years.
Set in a suitably anonymous Cathedral, where the passions run high, the opening croquet match sets the scene for vicious tactics and manoeuvring in which the very different and distinctive personalities of a number of cathedral worthies results in the sudden death of one of their number in very curious circumstances.
The play will be presented as a “live radio broadcast” in which Liston Hall becomes a studio and the actors are in the attire one would have expected of radio actors in the 1950s. The script draws upon Andrew’s long experience of Cathedral communities, and the enclosed atmosphere of the Cloisters, anything but calm, in which the decision to “modernise” ( and some blackmail ) creates murderous intentions.
What is the origin of the dreadful smell? Why is an important artefact found in the catacombs? . What did take place in the vestry? Why did the organist practise his fugue for so long? What was the murder weapon?
With a cast of colourful characters, and a script of witty wordplay, this new play will have audiences absorbed, entertained, chuckling and intrigued. Every character has a motive and an opportunity: but which had the means? The audience will have the opportunity to work out the murderer and the method during the interval, and all will be revealed in the final devastating denouement. And there is a prize for the correct conclusion!