Next production: A Night on the Tiles
Winner! British Theatre Association Amateur Theatre Award
This perceptive and comical play from the author of One O’Clock from the House involves a wedding that does not get off to an auspicious start and goes from bad to worse. …
CASTING: 4m, 3f
Date of production: 16-18th November 2017 Shelley Theatre
Cast list as follows:
Doris: Jennifer Major
Mrs Morris : Di Hudson
Gareth: Dan Stock
Shirley: Charlotte Fuchter
Kenneth: Andy Scott
Reg: John Patterson
Grandfather: Brian Couling
We are pleased to welcome John to the fold who will be playing Ray, so that enables us to shuffle the casting around. Welcome John!
Back stage crew
Director: Andrew Stafford
Stage Manager: Caroline Law
Set: Max Sasim, Brian Couling
Sound: Toby
Lights; Graham Evans
Costumes: Wendy Gammond
Props: Jacky Boxall
Programme: Tony Bew
FOH: Hilary Cox, Gloria Kendrick
I would like to start rehearsals with a read through with any available on Tuesday, September 5th at 8:00 pm. Please let me know when you are not available: The play is divided into two hander scenes most of the time, so I will make sure that when you are in rehearsal, you will not hang around, but work all the time, and just focus on your bits very intensely. I will give everybody time off, but obviously we will need to run it continuously after “half term” at the end of October. I’ll put in a couple of Sunday afternoons just to get it fluent, but we’ll see how it goes.
Scripts are available for cast and back stage crew. Contact Brian Couling if needed before rehearsal actually begin. Price for cast will be £10 a copy.
Rehearsals to October 3rd
Numbers of Sections given: please refer to your books.
When actors are called at 8:30, it does not mean that the actors in at 8:00 may go- I’m just adding them in! It means you don’t have to wait around too long before you are on.
September (updated):
Tu 12th: 10 11, 16, 18, 21: 8:00 Doris, Grandad, Mrs Morris 8: 30 Shirley, Mrs Morris, Grandad ,Doris
Th 14th: 6-10, 12,13,14, 22: 8:00 Gareth, Shirley, 8:45 Kenneth, Reg, Grandad,
Tu 19th: 8, 9, 16, 18, 19 ,21, 22 8:00 Kenneth Shirley, Grandad, 8:45 Doris Kenneth Mrs Morris
Th 21st: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 22: Doris, Reg, Ken, Grandad, Gareth
Tu 26th: no rehearsal (most of the cast are away)
Th 28th: 1, 2, 4, 10, 11,12,16 23a: Doris, Reg, Kenneth, 8:30 Grandad
Tu 3;. 20,21,23,24,25: Doris, Kenneth, 8:30 Shirley and Gareth, 9:00 Reg, and Grandad
We need a member to help coordinate costumes. Please let Andrew know if you can help. Need to ensure we have the changes of customer for the production for each cast member. Preliminary ideas:
Men: Ordinary jeans ( not close fit ) and shirt, white or grey shirts and flannels for Reg and grandfather, possibly waistcoat or pullover, sleeveless, and Gareth and Ken shirts, patterned if you like ( post hippy ). Ideally, longer hair and sideboards: think Likely Lads.
Wedding: Suits : It needs the style which just comes after flares, but tailored waists if possible to the suits for Gareth and Kenneth; Grandfather in 1960s suit and reg in grey /dark suit.
Ladies: Three costumes:
Shirley; before and after wedding plus wedding dress- we have one, I think.
Doris; wrap around pinny for the start: costume for the wedding with white shoes if possible. Dress or skirt and jumper for the second half…
Mrs Morris; also in pinny but a bit smarter, neater; also dress for wedding and possibly another for third act.
Tech – lights, sound, set, props
Lights: Graham, I’ve put you in on this in case you are able to help on lights. If necessary, I’ll contact the people who came in last time.
Sound: I want to get the sound done very early on: Brian + Toby.
Baby crying; telephone ringing; incidental music- 1980s; Examples might be ‘Queen’ era song book for example ‘Another on bites the dust, I want it all etc.
I will look up the sites with the sound effects and then talk to whoever can help make the tape/cd.
Props: washing line and washing, washing basket; garden bench ( I have one ) plus 2 deckchairs old fashioned if possible, though by 1986 people were using garden chairs of which I have a couple. Bouquet for the bride.
Flyers are available on the web site, and tickets can be purchased through the box office page. Use these to promote the production to friends and family etc. We plan to have tickets over the counter from 1st October at the Marlow Information Centre, Marlow Library. Thanks.
A reminder that we are now in the new season, so member’s subs are due. Please see Brian or pay on line. See the members page for how to pay. Thanks.
Best wishes for now. Please get back to me!