This is a busy month for the Players.
Rehearsals for the next production are going splendidly and we hope to welcome large audiences to our exciting thriller on 10th – 12th November at The Shelley Theatre.
As production dates are earlier this year, we will not be holding an open rehearsal, but everyone who is a member is welcome to see progress on Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the studio.
Book tickets online More details poster
Charlotte has kindly agreed to act as online box office this year, so many thanks. Tickets are also available from Marlow Information Centre, Marlow Library.
MARLOW FM Hidden Gem award
In the meantime, don’t forget to cast your online vote for ‘Unseen Academicals’, last November’s super play, on the Marlow FM’s website for the ‘Hidden Gems’ award. There is a dinner at the Crowne Plaza on 19th November and we’d be delighted to welcome you on the Marlow Players’ table! Go online to vote and, if you wish, to buy a ticket for the Gala dinner! Vote here.
MURDER MYSTERY, December 2016
We are planning a re-run of the Murder Mystery night in Lane End Village Hall this time. Planning is at an early stage, but dates are Friday 9th December. Let Gloria know if you want to be involved. Stay tuned.
Please support your (nearly 80 year old) Society. Look forward to seeing you soon!!
All Best Wishes, Gloria