Dear Players,
Hello! This is a MASSIVE THANK YOU from me to everyone who helped – in so many ways – to make Friday’s ‘premiere’ such a great success. Not only did it get us out of a biggish financial hole, but the feedback from the audience has been tremendous!
I could not have produced it without your help – actors, Sound crew, loan of invaluable equipment (fake and real!), recorded effects, MC (and Ticket Managers/Finance Co-ordinator) AND everyone who mucked in to help set up (in record time – whew!) and clear away!!
If, by any chance, I have missed anyone out of the above list – just let me know (if you think of anyone else – memory shot here!). It was hard work for all concerned – but such great fun and the start of our diversification, I think!
Di Hudson hosted the Directors’ Evening yesterday at which Alex, Charlotte, Jossy and Jennifer excelled as directors of an extract from an Alan Ayckbourn play. It was interesting to see how each director interpreted the extract – all very differently! Thanks to all directors and actors – and to Di for her hospitality.
We also had a lovely visit to Chiltern Shakespeare production of the The Comedy of Errors. Thanks to Hilary for arranging.
The Annual General Meeting and new committee information have been posted. See the Members Information page.
Please don’t forget that Players subscriptions for 2016/17 are now due. See Brian or you can pay on line at the member’s information page. Thanks.
The web site has been updated in the background with Tony’s help. In particular he has been working through The Plays pages and adding ‘Cast and Crew’ links and more information and cast pictures about each production. Take a look – its great!
Don’t forget to come along to a first reading play this Tuesday followed by a Director’s evening following week at Di Hudson’s house.
July dates
5 July Director’s evening at Di Hudson’s- have a go at being a director!
12 July Play reading II
19 July Play casting (for November production)
24 July Players afternoon pic-nic at Andrew Stafford’s house
August – Summer break
Rehearsals will begin on Tuesday September 6th
Please come along to the play-reading, even if you do not wish to try for a role.